Nosaukums: Transnational Co-operation of the network of NCP SME
Projekta koordinators: Zentrum fϋr Innovation und Technik (ZENIT) (Vācija)
LTC pozīcija: Partneri
Kopējais budžets: 2 367 397.00 EUR
Projekta ilgums: 59 mēneši (01.02.2008.-31.12.2012.)
Programma: FP7
Citi partneri: Itālija, Beļģija, Kipra, Turcija, Apvienota Karaliste, Lietuva, Spānija, Austrija, Ungārija, Bulgārija, Īslande, Polija, Izraēla, Luksemburga,Francija, Norvēģija, Čehija, Nīderlande, Somija, Horvātija, Rumānija, Igaunija, Īrija, Zviedrija, Dānija, Malta, Šveice, Grieķija, Slovēnija, Portugāle
Projekta partneri:
- Zentrum fϋr Innovation und Technik (ZENIT) (DE) (koordinatori)
- Agency for the Promotion of European Research (IT)
- Brussels Enterprise Agency (BE)
- Research Promotion Foundation (CY)
- The Scientific and Technological Research Council (TR)
- Beta Technology Ltd (UK)
- Latvian Technological Center (LV)
- Agency for Research, Innovation and Technology (LT)
- Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (ES)
- Austrian Research Promotion Agency (AT)
- National Innovation Office (HU)
- GIS Transfer Center Foundation (BG)
- The Iceland Centre for Research (IS)
- Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk (PL)
- Israel Europe R&D Directorate for FP7 (IL)
- National Agency for Innovation and Research (LU)
- French Agency for Innovation (FR)
- The Research Council of Norway (NO)
- Technology Centre (CZ)
- Agentschap NL (NL)
- Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (FI)
- Croatian Institute of Technology (HR)
- Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BG)
- National Authority for Scientific Research (RO)
- Enterprise Estonia (EE)
- Ministry of Science and Innovation (ES)
- Enterprise Ireland (IE)
- Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (SE)
- Malta Science and Technology Council (MT)
- Walloon Business Federation (BE)
- Euresearch (CH)
- Hellenic Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Handicraft S.A. (GR)
- Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (SI)
- Agencia de Inovacao, Inovação Empresarial e Transferência de Tecnologias (PT)